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Ramadhan vs Solid Waste

Ramadhan is a moment of the formation and strengthening, both mentally and spiritually. In Ramadhan, every Moslem observes fasting from sunrise to sunset. Ramadhan is a month whose presence is always awaited and missed by Moslems. However, in some places this holy month cannot be separated from society’s consumptive culture, which in turn has an impact on increasing the amount of solid waste production.
 Solid waste is the residue of human daily activities and/or natural processes in solid form. The solid waste is a serious problem that must be managed. The significant increase in population will also changes the patterns in people’s consumption indirectly and will increase the volume, the types, and the characteristics of solid waste, and even make it more diverse. Food waste is the highest composition of solid waste in Indonesia. Food waste can be processed by turning it into compost or used as feed for BSF larvae.
 Green Ramadhan can help reduce the negative impact on the environment and help maintain the human health. Green Ramadhan solutions are not only in the waste sector but can achieve aspects related to energy efficiency so that they do not cause problems in the future.

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Muhammad Darmawan

Enviromental Analyst, experienced in RKL RPL Report, Waste Management Projects, and Enviromental Issues